GitHub Followers

A take home project that uses GitHub's V3 API to retrieve a users followers and populate them into a collection view.

Key features include searching for a GitHub users followers, searching amongst their followers and retrieving key information about a follower such as their GitHub repos, gists, and followers count.

GitHub Followers also presents the users avatar image, name, bio and other essential information in programmatically designed cards.


Design and UI were fundamental in this project to ensure a smooth and slick way of using GitHub Followers.

This was done whilst also incorporating some of Apple's latest API's such as Dark Mode, Dynamic Type text, NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot and Swift 5's Result Type for asynchronous network calls.

Overall this project cements the most common features of any iOS app. From networking, to UI, to error handling and working with iOS 13’s latest API’s, it was a great way to solidify the fundamentals before moving onto more exciting stuff.

This project was part of an online course created by Sean Allen as a take home project. For more details on what GitHub Followers can do, feel free to visit my GitHub profile.



