
Developed mygoldenhour, now live on the App Store.

A design-focused app to track your golden hour, sunrise and sunset times for the next 7 days and get regularly updated local weather forecasts with useful data such as cloudiness, visibility and temperature to help you prep for a golden hour shoot session.

Additional features include integrating Apple’s WeatherKit API, timely notifications, a countdown timer to the next golden hour, a beautiful Widget and Dark Mode.


7 day plan

mygoldenhour focuses on delivering across the information you need to prepare for that golden hour shoot with a 7 day plan of golden hour times and weather forecasts. Integrates Apple’s WeatherKit API as well as on-device golden hour algorithms to calculate your times accurately.

With mygoldenhour, I wanted an app that did more than just show you daily times. I focused on integrating plenty of Apple frameworks such as WeatherKit for accurate weather data, UNUserNotificationCenter for local notifications, WidgetKit for widgets and app-wide support of Dark Mode.

The design of the app was also key to me. It had to be simple and clean to navigate yet put the focus on the most important feature there, your daily golden hour times and weather forecasts, which were always front and centre. Adding some smooth animations, feedback responses from the Taptic Engine and background music all ensured this app was a pleasure to use.


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